Friday Jan. 24, 2025 8:30am-4:00pm
8:15am-9:00am - Registration
9:00am-3:30pm Conference
3:30pm-4:30pm Networking/Mixer
Where: Happening simultaneously at Allan Hancock College (Boyd Hall) and Santa Barbara City College (Business Center/Fe Bland Forum)
Almost 70,000* people in Santa Barbara County live at or below the federal poverty line. That means 1 out of 6 adults, and 1 out of 5 children. Our county has the 2nd highest percentage of its population living in poverty out of the 58 counties in California. Many of us working in local organizations are deeply concerned, and feel it is time to start a conversation that encompasses the whole picture of poverty in our communities, not just homelessness.  We want to create pathways to upward mobility for Santa Barbara County residents who are struggling. 

On Friday January 24th, 2025, the Coalition for Upward Mobility in Santa Barbara County will hold its first Upward Mobility Summit, kicking off a two year initiative. Matthew Desmond, author of the best-selling book “Poverty, by America” will be our keynote speaker. We anticipate the Summit will be an informational and inspiring day.

The goal of the Summit is to inspire attendees to join a Mobility Action Plan(“MAP”) group; these groups will work for the following twenty-four months to come up with strategic solutions to make change in five key areas, and will leverage the Urban Institute’s Upward Mobility Framework to do so.

Together we can create a Santa Barbara County that offers better futures for every resident.
*Public Policy Institute of California report, “Understanding Poverty in California”, Oct. 19, 2023
For any questions/inquiries please contact us at or call Jared Stenz at 805.964.8857 xt. 1265 at or Julie Weiner at 805.964.8857 xt. 1105

Join a MAP Group


Matthew Desmond


*appearing virtually

Santa Barbara City College West Campus MapAllan Hancock Campus MapUseful DocumentsJoin a MAP Group

Our Sponsors

Upward Mobility Coalition

2nd District County Supervisor, Laura Capps, Allan Hancock College, CalNonprofits, CenCal Health, CommUnify, County of Santa Barbara Social Services Dept., Dignity Moves, Food Bank of Santa Barbara County, Housing Authority of Santa Barbara County, New Beginnings, People Helping People, Santa Barbara City College, Santa Barbara Foundation, Santa Barbara South Coast Chamber of Commerce, United Way of Northern Santa Barbara County