Community Services

Financial Literacy
The Economic Empowerment program helps families with children 0 - 5 years of age learn financial strategies that encourage sustainable independence. Participants will leave with resources and tools that they can use to manage their family budget.
The program covers topics such as:
- Daily money management
- Budgeting tools and savings
- Basic credits and debits
Eligibility Requirements:
- Have child 0-5 years of age
- Resident of Santa Barbara County
- Commitment of attending at least 4 appointments
- Willingness to learn and ask questions
Contact Community Services
For more information, to enroll or support our programs, please call the office nearest you:
• Direct: 805-617-2897
• Toll-Free: 800-655-0617
• Fax: 805-964-6798
• Email:
Did You Know?
Parents participated in the program in 2023
Hours of financial literacy training provided in 2021